It's the middle of summer, and I am continuing to enjoy the warm, midwestern weather and the sun! We've had some rain, but not much lately. "Theo's Heart" has now gotten 41 positive Amazon reviews. It's humbling to see it soar. 

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I wanted to share some exciting news. I have a new book trailer for "Theo's Heart." The trailer was created for me by a wonderful author named Susan. I continue to meet kind souls, like Susan, who are helping me as an author. The trailer and Susan's websites are below, so check them out!

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The big news today, is that "Theo's Heart" is published on Amazon! Wow! There was a lot of behind the scenes work. A handful of talented and gifted people helped me to edit this short story. There was an amazing guy who created the cover, and a very patient and gifted woman format it! All of these names are inside the book toward the front. 

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It's towards the end of April now, and I'm getting ready to publish "Theo's Heart." The date has been set to 5/17/24 on Amazon! I have been really busy marketing my book on Facebook (FB). I'll add my FB link below in case you want to friend me there. It's a lot of work doing all the marketing from advertising to getting creative and making posts, trailers, and mockups every week. But people are still helping me along the way, and I'm meeting some fabulous authors too! It's really a beautiful experience! 

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I can't believe how quickly this month is going! It's going to be close to 60 degrees next week, which is amazing! Meanwhile, I'm *still* working on "Theo's Heart." I had thought I would've published it by now, but I'm using my team to edit the story once again. There's so much work to do to create a masterpiece. I am hoping after two more rounds, I'll get it formatted and published, and you will be the first to know. So, if interested, please sign up on the Newsletter tab.

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It's already the end of February! How time flies! This month I've worked a lot on editing "Theo's Heart," my first Christian fiction short story. I've been trying to get it ready for the next phases of formatting and publishing. In addition, I submitted a short story for the book Chicken Soup for the Soul. I hope it gets published. Writing, publishing and marketing are like a full-time job, but I really love it. I am learning so much about writing, and it has improved immensely. 

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